Blog Post

Chinese Virus

Higgs Boson • Mar 19, 2020

Wuhan-400 - Corona-virus - COVID-19

They say that if you imagine a single human cell to be the size of the Earth, the Corona virus would be the size of a party balloon. Perhaps a better analogy > apparently the virus is approx 4x smaller than the particles that comprise wildfire smoke - think how far away you can smell that. Given that, would a simple cloth mask keep such a tiny particle from entering your body? And does distancing 2 metres away from others prevent ingestion? COVID-19 - does have a certain sinister ring to it, does it not? Add the media induced festival of fear, a twitter-storm of misinformation, dodgy and disputed stats, all of which has predictably resulted in mass hysteria to the point where shopping, at least at the beginning, looked like looting - folks preparing for a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter in their toilet-tissue bunkers.

On the information/advice given we seem to be lurching from one extreme to another. On symptoms: it started with 'it only affects the elderly - mild flu-like symptoms for the vast majority, it's ended-up with 'youth not immune from death, virus attacks all cells in the body resulting in a sort of multiple organ atrophy + pneumonia. Furthermore, health workers, those working closely with those allegedly infected are significantly more at risk of contracting a more severe form of the disease. Oh, and it's now airborne (27 feet or 8 metres would be a safe social distance limit, according to MIT associate professor Lydia Bourouiba). On top of that, the Chinese are now saying that there are two strains of the virus, one being more deadly than the other.

We know that Boris Johnson is a libertarian and that the decisions he has to make as a British prime minister are not easy, but one has to question the wisdom of being totally driven by so-called experts whose advice seems to change on an almost hourly basis - see Imperial and Oxford clash. And on that kind of information the UK Govt has imposed lock-down. Lock-down that, if it continues, will almost inevitably result in the collapse of the British economy and further avoidable deaths. 

What troubles me is that people are not questioning the possible motives in play - what do most of these experts, medics, scientists, journos, media etc. all have in common? Well, for starters they all hate Boris Johnson and his Tory government - they don't understand why he was elected. They all hate Donald Trump, same reasons, more or less. They all hate Brexit. Now, make of that what you will, but I say there is much more to this than meets the eye.
  • How many people have died this year from normal seasonal flu?
    NB: on average it kills around 17,000 people in England a year. source ITV News

  • How does the Wuhan Corona-virus compare to seasonal flu? 
    NB: In comparison, SARS, which is considered similar, had a mortality rate of more than 10% when it was active in the early 2000s and the seasonal flu has a mortality rate of below 1%.
  • How many of those who have died of Covid-19 would have died anyway from normal seasonal flu?

    NB: Govt adviser Professor Neil Ferguson, who allegedly recovered from Covid-19, told the Science and Technology Committee that experts are expecting around 20,000 deaths, although it may turn out to be a lot less. Ferguson also said that up to two thirds of people who die from Corona virus in the next nine months are likely to have died this year from other causes.

    Also, Ferguson, who makes a living from statistical models predicted that if lock-down is lifted it could lead to 100k UK deaths. Worth noting that he also predicted that global deaths from bird flu would be 200 million - the actual number was 282 deaths. On swine flu he said there could be 65,000 deaths in the UK - there were in fact 457. On Covid he initially predicted 500k deaths, now he's saying 100k.

    According to the BBC, when the UK death toll reached 72, apparently all had underlying health conditions. You have to ask why, when 69,000 Italians died of seasonal flu between 2013-17 there was no media circus/frenzy?  Source: Science Direct
  • Is the number of normal seasonal flu deaths up or down this year?
    NB: Up to 650,000 people in the world die from seasonal flu each year - deaths are more common worldwide than previously thought | HuffPost Life

  • Have governments overacted? See BBC Interview with Lord Sumption 

    NB: Journalist Toby Young questions whether the drastic measures put in place now will harm us more in the future in this article entitled 'Has the government overreacted to the Coronavirus Crisis?

  • Is this so-called pandemic unprecedented, as claimed by Piers Morgan?
    NB: In 1968, the so-called Hong Kong flu (H3N2 virus) killed more than one million people. There were around 80,000 deaths in the UK alone - no lockdown!

  • Peter Hitchens spat with Piers Morgan; Peter asks "Where precisely is there *any* evidence (not guesswork) that shutting down the country, wrecking the economy and throttling liberty will save a single life"?
    NB: No answer 

  • According to the BBC the virus/agent can survive on all surfaces for 72 hours - so does this put into question the policy of social distancing?
    NB: A new CDC report found the coronavirus on surfaces aboard the Diamond Princess 17 days after passengers disembarked, Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • How exactly was this new virus created? Was it really anything to do with eating wildlife (now banned by China)? Note: They now claim that the virus occurred naturally - really? 

  • Why has the UK govt asked the chemical and biological weapons facility at Porton Down to find a solution to COVID-19?

  • Mr Bruce Y. Lee (what a name) says that “the virus is not acting like a bio-weapon right now. The best bio-weapons kill at a much higher rate.” Ok Bruce but what if the virus was engineered to disrupt? Suddenly it’s a perfect weapon. Source: Forbes

    NB: James Woods (actor) says "Asians are ruthless in war. Ask any American who fought in WWII, in Korea, or in Vietnam. Could China have engineered this virus (high contagion/low lethality) as a warning to President Trump not to interfere with the cozy globalist trade deals arranged by Clinton and Obama?

  • Is President Donald Trump justified in calling the virus/agent the "Chinese Virus"?

  • Is it racist to identify any nation with something negative?

  • Have the Chinese been listening to Bill Burr?
At this point in time Japan, the most densely populated country in the world, is managing to contain the virus with abt 8k infections - 143 deaths. The Japanese have imposed lock-down but, it's nowhere near as draconian - shops and restaurants remain open. This surely puts into question the whole notion of social distancing and its effectiveness?Also, the Japanese appear to have discovered a flu drug that the Chinese themselves say is effective in treating Coronavirus - source The Guardian - as far as I can tell this has not been mentioned on the BBC or ITV television/radio networks.

It is extraordinary that here in Britain a Tory government would even contemplate making half the country bankrupt - and in an attempt to ameliorate this they have just announced a financial package that could have the same consequences for future generations had Marxists Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell won the last General Election. A right-wing Tory government advocating massive public spending and state interventions is going to make socialism an easier argument, It all suggests that there's something they're not telling us. Whatever it is, it's given rise to panic and fear, people buying much more than they actually need. 
I mentioned Bill Burr - I recall watching one of his Netflix efforts where he suggests that when world leaders meet, the first item on the agenda is 'how do we get rid of 5 billion people'? This is met with a wall of silence before moving-on to the business of the day. 
Variables & vulnerabilities: these are complex: each of us have different medical vulnerabilities - myself for instance, 20 years ago I fractured my shoulder and was taken to hospital where I unfortunately became infected with a hospital bug that resulted in what clinicians described as 'viral pneumonia'. It very nearly killed me - I suspect that this places me in one of the vulnerable groups. 

Exercise: without doubt, what made my condition a lot worse was the fractured shoulder, rendering any movement extremely painful. This meant that I was basically very sedentary for a long period which created other medical issues, such as temporary phlebitis (swollen ankles) - the medical solution for that was simply keep your legs higher than your chest. As far as the pleurisy/pneumonia was concerned, not being able to move, walk anywhere so to clear the lungs was almost catastrophic. So, lack of proper exercise, leading a sedentary lifestyle is I suspect the main reason why the elderly are affected the most.

My wife works for the NHS and every year is given the flu jab and an extra one to cover other alleged strains not available to us plebs - thing is, they, the NHS experts, miscalculate these flu strains every year, and every year thousands die and not a single word from the media. This year, despite said flu-jabs, my wife became extremely ill with the flu - I didn't get it, and I don't even have a flu jab, despite being in, as I said, a vulnerable group having previously been infected with viral pneumonia. 

Politics: I'm not a conspiracy theorist but the theories are spreading thick and fast - Coronavirus has proved to be fertile ground for these nutters. FBPE cultists warn that the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is using the virus to cull the elderly and to cover up the damage of Brexit. Even mainstream journalists and politicians are spreading mad theories - in any case why would Johnson wish to kill-off his main voter base?
The media are politicising Covid-19 - they, particularly the BBC, are engaged in another Project Fear as part of their culture war against Boris Johnson and Brexit. Good Morning Britain's Piers Morgan has completely lost the plot b/c the UK Govt are ignoring him - actually that's quite amusing. Anyway, the same people who became emotionally disturbed by Britain ending its membership of the EU (Prof Brian Cox et al) are now in total meltdown over COVID-19 in the hope that it will bring down the govt, collapse the economy and above all, stop Brexit. Extinction Rebellion have essentially hijacked COVID-19 for their agenda - and so it goes on...

COVID-19 does sound very militaristic - bit like Wuhan-400 - look it up!

Take care, and keep washing those hands!

Useful Information/reading

Track the number of deaths, infection rates and those recovered etc.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

NB. Some say that the death rate is being exaggerated - there appears to be no distinction between whether people die 'from' Covid or simply 'with' Covid i.e you could die from a heart attack and still be registered as having died with Covid.

Brendan O'Neill's post entitled Luxury of Apocalypticism 

COVID-19 Crisis Update 20 March 2020
UK Govt announce closure of pubs, clubs, restaurants, cinemas, gyms etc.
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by Higgs Boson 17 Jan, 2022
For some strange reason I feel uncomfortable with the title 'Made in England' - I've been brainwashed into thinking that it's a phrase only used by racists and bigots. Brexit certainly brings into sharp relief that which has largely been ignored - making stuff and methods of manufacturing. A while back my wife wanted to send a gift to a relative in Japan; she wanted something that was specifically 'Made in England'. Our search went on for days and much to our dismay almost everything was, well, made elsewhere basically. She was very disappointed, as was I. This negative experience was not helped when I casually asked a shop assistant "got anything made in England"? It seemed this question was almost deemed to be slightly racist - why? Comedian Stewart Lee famously made a joke about it, saying that a taxi driver said to him "call yourself English these days and you get arrested and thrown in jail" to which Lee repeatedly replies "what, arrested, in jail"?' The taxi driver ends-up giving-in and has to admit he's wrong - the joke being an exaggeration for comic effect. However, as far as I can tell, that joke is now actually not far from reality. In Japan it's the exact opposite, although to be fair, a lot of stuff in their shops is also made in China or Korea, but it wasn't anywhere near as difficult to find something Made in Japan. Of course, they, the Japanese, are proud of their ability to make stuff, and rightly so. Anyway, I suppose we've known for some time that our manufacturing base has been lost, so perhaps I shouldn't be so shocked. In a way, Brexit has highlighted the issue of where stuff is manufactured. Cars for instance; its various component parts are made all over Europe and having to cross the channel 3 to 4 times before final assembly only to be exported back to Europe. It's hard to see how this chimes with the alleged sentiments of the Paris Climate Change accord, that President Trump gave the finger to. And what sort of country can't even make its own sandwiches without recourse to foreign interference? I have purchased the odd sandwich from various Supermarkets and I thought, in my naivety, that they were built onsite, or at least in some shed down the road, but no - I had no idea just how pathetic Britain has become. It would appear that we are totally dependant on the EU. Of course, to an ardent Europhile this is all par for the course, perfectly normal, music to their ears bla bla - but to those of us with only the smallest semblance of national pride left, it is a source of acute embarrassment mixed with a realisation of the sheer insanity of it all. There is now such a gulf between those who believe in the EU and those who do not, the divide has manifested itself in what I like to call a Tower of Babel syndrome - everyone talking a different language and nothing, as far as I can tell, is going to bridge that chasm. Whatever your view 'Made in England' is now a thing of the past and, as far as I am concerned it's a very sad state of affairs indeed. I recall my grandfather having a huge sense of national pride about the quality of almost anything Made in England. To him, it was a benchmark of excellence. Unfortunately, it would appear that politicians have sold us down the river to a bunch of unelected corporate bureaucrats in Brussels - whose main purpose in life is to spread the work about at the behest of the multi-nationals - companies, who wouldn't actually exist were it not for the efforts of people like my grandfather. Higgs Boson
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